
CLI Titanium, Android, iOS


For Titanium you can use the appc or the ti command line NPM client. The ti client is the open source version and the one I use. You use it together with the alloy client. Here are some commands that I use a lot.

Create a new alloy project

ti create -t app -p android,ios --id my.app.id
# Answer the questions
# Then from inside the generated directory:
alloy new

Location of AndroidManifest.xml for Titanium >= 9:


Location of APK for Titanium >= 9:


Development Android keystore

~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/9.0.3.GA/android/dev_keystore


List all emulators

emulator -list-avds

List all devices

adb devices

Uninstall app

adb -s [DEVICE_ID] uninstall [APP_ID]

Send a broadcast

Note: make sure you have an emulator with Google API's instead of one with Google Play!

adb root
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED -p [APP_ID]


List all simulators:

xcrun simctl list