An easy way to let Backbone work with Promises in Titanium:
Get the bluebird Promise library.
Now you can add a fetchAsPromise to the Backbone.Model.Prototype and Backbone.Collection.prototype objects:
Backbone.Model.prototype.fetchAsPromise = function(options) { var me = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { options.success = resolve; options.error = reject; me.fetch(options); }); };
The same can be done for the save method:
Backbone.Model.prototype.saveAsPromise = function(props) { var me = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {, { success : resolve, error : reject }); }); };
Now you can do:
var user; Alloy.createModel("User").fetchAsPromise({ id : 12 }).then(function(bbUser) { user = bbUser; return Alloy.createCollection("Orders").fetchAsPromise({ query : "select * from Orders where user_id = " + user.get("id") }); }).then(function(orders) { // Now we have user and orders... });