Te find the sqlite location for your iOS simulator, you first have to know the simulators uid. To see all available simulators and their device UIDS:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/simctl list
The sqlite location is:
~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<device-id>/data/Containers/Data/Application/<application-id>/Library/Private Documents/<db>.sql
Unfortunately it's (as far as I know) not possible to get the application id. If you know the name of the sqlite file, then it's easier to find it. First go to ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<device-id>/data/Containers/Data/Application and do:
find . -name <name_of_file.sql>
Or if you want look for files that have been accessed within one hour:
find . -amin -60 -name <name_of_file.sql>
If you don't want to write this down every time, you can create a simple bash script I called sqlitebrowser:
#!/bin/bash DB=`find . -name ${1}` "/Applications/DB Browser for SQLite.app/Contents/MacOS/DB Browser for SQLite" "${DB}"
Now you can call this script with just the name of the database:
sqlitebrowser mydb.sql